The Lambeth Conference met in Canterbury in 2022. The theme was to explore what it means to be ‘God’s Church for God’s World’. Our conference journey continues as we take forward the Lambeth Calls and outcomes of the conference into the life of the Anglican Communion.
Those that attended the Lambeth Conference are now invited to share and discuss the Lambeth Calls in their settings – opening up the Calls to their wider church communities.
Add your voice to the Call
Add your voice to the call is an invitation to explore, discuss and consider what each Call might mean in your setting. It’s shaped by the idea of call and response – a feature we see in scripture, in liturgy and in music.
Theologically, call and response is found in the Psalms where the pattern plays out liturgically in worship and prayer. The call typically begins with a theological affirmation that invites worshippers to respond. For example in Psalm 118; 136 the call says: ‘O give thanks to the Lord for He is good’, to which there is the response: ‘For His steadfast love endures forever’. The repetition builds momentum; grows faith and shared vision. This call and response embraces a sense of a journey; it is expected to evolve; it rarely stands still.
In music, a player offers a short melody or call, which another player hears, interprets and responds. The result is a sense of movement and development, as the music builds.