Phase 1 took place from 2021 to 2022 as the bishops prepared for the in-person conference

Watch the 1 Peter Videos

During Phase 1, bishops were invited to explore the book of 1 Peter - which was chosen as the Biblical focus for the Lambeth Conference.

A series of resources about 1 Peter were shared, including a commentary on 1 Peter and a set of films introducing some of the main themes. In these videos, watch Professor Jenn Strawbridge give an overview of the book. Hear from participants in the St Augustine Seminar share what inspires and challenges them about each chapter.

The commentary and videos on 1 Peter were written before the conference was rescheduled, due to the pandemic. Ongoing work was undertaken for the Bible Study materials that were used when the in-person conference met, to reflect world events.

The videos are below. Use the menu system on this page to access the other resources from Phase 1.

An overview of 1 Peter

Reflections on Chapter 1

Reflections on Chapter 2

Reflections on Chapter 3

Reflections on Chapter 4

Reflections on Chapter 5

Dealing with difficult themes (1)

Dealing with difficult themes (2)

open to all:
the Phase 3 webinars